
drinking water to lose weight

How to drink water to lose weight in the questions and answers:
Question 1: To lose weight , you need to drink water?

Definitely yes ! Scientifically - water - part of all cells, tissues and organs of our body and all of the processes occurring in it.

Imagine that you are being poured into a glass of water and left it for a week in a warm place . It will remain as clean and fresh ?

Our bodies are about 75 % water , what would happen if it did not change?

To lose weight you need to drink water , because washing the cells in the body , water works as an internal shower :

- Regulates body temperature (for example, when it is hot , sweat is released )

- Removes waste from the body by washing it inside

- Delivers nutrients , oxygen and glucose into cells , giving us energy (without an adequate supply of these substances healthy weight loss is not possible )

- Gives a natural moisturizing the skin and other tissues

- Makes joints more flexible and helps to strengthen the muscles

- Regulates digestion

When the body breaks down fat burning it for energy and water, which is necessary to withdraw from the body , through the toilet.

Question 2: How to drink water to lose weight?

On average 30 ml per 1 kg body weight. That is, there you weigh 70 kg , your rate of 2100 ml of water per day . If your weight is 100 kg , the rate of water for you 3 liters a day .

Should not drink more than their quota , it is also not good )

Question 3: When to drink water ?

Recommended to drink water for 20-30 minutes before eating. And after 1-1.5 hours after a meal . Vodyvo drink while eating and after eating is not recommended for good digestion .

Question 4: How to drink water to lose weight ?

Drinking water should be uniformly small meals throughout the day , every day life.

Start with 1 cup of water in the morning on an empty stomach .

The remaining volume of water , divide by the number of intervals between meals.

For example, you have 3 main meals (breakfast , lunch, dinner ) and 1 snack, hence the 3 period of time when you drink water . Your weight is 82 kg , then the rate of water denokolo 2.5 litra.Utrom fasting 250-300 ml, the remaining amount is divided by 3 , which is about 700 mL between meals.

Question 5 : What type of water to drink to lose weight?

Water is considered to be only pure drinking water without gas. Tea, coffee , juices , sweet soda - water is not considered .

Question 6 : How to start drinking as much water as if almost never drank it before?

Do not try to immediately begin to drink 3 liters of water . If you do not cause discomfort immediately increase the amount of water , there is no problem . If you do not Ichthyander , you do not need to force yourself . Begin to introduce the habit gradually. Start with 1 cup of the morning on an empty stomach and 1 cup between meals (or half of a half-liter bottles)

After a few days or a week , each increase the reception 100ml week later by 100 ml and etc.

Question 7 : How not to forget to drink water?

Drinking water should enter you into the habit . Do not try to remember it . Just make sure that the bowl of water has always been in your field of vision. On the desktop , next to a sofa , an armchair, on the coffee table in a bag in the car, wherever you are , and most of the time with you if you are during the day vdvizhenii .

P.S. To lose weight and maintain your weight need to drink water. But this is only one component of success , remember the rules of proper balanced diet and physical activity.

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