
weight loss during pregnancy

Weight loss during pregnancy

Almost always with the onset of pregnancy, a woman will inevitably begin to recover. Weight recruited gradually , first slowly , then faster, but , as a rule, in each trimester slightly. This indicator is required to keep under control the overall gain ideally should not exceed an average of 12-15 kg for the entire period of childbearing . Although, of course , to equate all under one bar in any case impossible.

Weight during pregnancy can often tell a lot watching her doctor , but because she will need to keep this figure under constant : to be weighed once a week and record the figures in the diary. Tracking your weight pregnant attains extra pounds, which leads to increased risk for many stage of gestation , delivery and postpartum recovery.

But it often happens the other way when women harmony is maintained, not counting the front bulging tummy , and sometimes weight and all out in the first days of pregnancy or in its " swing ." Lose weight during pregnancy for many seems paradoxical and impossible , but in such a scenario events are also developing quite often .

Why expectant mother lose weight and whether you need to worry about this ? Today let's talk about the exception to the rule : weight loss during pregnancy .

Weight loss during pregnancy in the first trimester

If we lose weight and woman with the onset of pregnancy , the vast majority of cases this is due to toxicity . Early morning sickness - a widespread phenomenon . He is accompanied by nausea and lack of appetite , causing the newly formed pregnant can lose weight . Natural weight loss happen faster and more intense , if background toxicosis she develops vomiting or diarrhea , increased slyunoobrazovanie : together with the liquid rapidly leaves and weight.

Caught in a similar situation , an urgent need to inform the doctor about your condition . If you have not got registered , contact your gynecologist to the clinic on the site or to a private doctor. The fact that the very pronounced toxicosis can pose a threat to pregnancy , health of future mothers and children. If the woman vomits several times a day and not able to take food , then most likely need inpatient treatment .

If signs of early toxicity expressed slightly, you can try to fight it yourself at home . Eliminate all the annoying factors negatively affecting your well-being : the impact of strong odors , fatigue , and other flickering light . In the morning on an empty stomach , getting out of bed , eat a simple biscuit or cookie galetnoe , and only after some time rise . Eat small meals , abandoning fatty , spicy dishes and harmful industrial additives. If there are no problems with the work of the digestive tract , it is possible to drink water with lemon juice or just suck a piece of citrus. There are other ways and tips on how to deal with early toxicosis .

Minor weight loss due to early toxicity usually pose no threat . If a strong weight loss and dehydration may be negative consequences , but with timely medical attention for them can be avoided.

Weight loss during pregnancy without toxicity

If you lose weight , but feel fine and eat with gusto , the doctor almost certainly will smile to you in response : do not worry, it's only temporary - will soon begin to recover. It turns out that such cases are not rare : a woman watching the weight loss in the first trimester , but by the end of term gains , and often even more than fixed. Surprisingly, many expectant mothers lose weight with the onset of pregnancy by more than 10 kg only in the first trimester ! And while no violations in the body occurs. But in general, drastic weight loss should be a cause for immediate reference to the doctor is better to be safe in this case .

It is believed that weight loss in the first trimester without toxicity may be associated with weight women before pregnancy. Sometimes the body reacts to an amazing place with him " pregnant " changes and begins to drop excess weight, if available . Too many women in the body begin to lose weight with the onset of pregnancy.

In general , to comprehend the mystery taking place in the mother's body , it is impossible . He is totally unpredictable , and therefore weight loss can be an absolute physiological norm. But the doctor about it though certainly must know !

Weight loss during pregnancy in the second trimester

Manifestations of early toxicity usually disappear by the end of the first - early second trimester. But doctors say that weight loss is for this reason that normally can occur before 20 weeks of pregnancy.

However, there are cases where only midway woman begins to lose weight ! Not to worry , but do not skip unwanted dangerous changes , I must say this to your gynecologist. But if you regularly rent out all the tests and go through all the recommended examinations and their results are positive and have no abnormality , the likely loss in the second trimester is temporary and related to hormonal processes.

Nevertheless , you should not relax : very often the case that after a long pregnant weight loss starts cutting it to recruit . In this case it is necessary to control the quantity and quality eaten .

Weight loss during pregnancy in the third trimester

Many women say that at birth were more with less weight than they had when registering . Some of us it may be hard to believe , but it does happen ! Mom even joke that their kid "ate" for the period of pregnancy.

Also minor sc tog weight ( usually not more than 3 kg of mine ) takes place shortly before birth : it is one of the harbingers of where the weight is stabilized (ie, a woman is no longer picking up ) or even decreases. But the weight loss in the third trimester may be associated with other causes . Such a phenomenon is often observed women wears pregnancy summer: the heat increases sweating and decreased appetite , and therefore it is normal that the weight can also be slightly reduced .

As you can see , weight loss during pregnancy may well be a physiological norm and not foreshadow any threats . However, to be sure that the baby is doing well and pregnancy in general proceeds safely , you must regularly attend antenatal care and take all scheduled tests. If the fruit meets the basic criteria for the development (in particular, the height and weight ) the probable date and you feel fine , there is nothing to worry about. Not all women fit into the accepted norms , and individual characteristics has not been canceled ! A baby will take everything it needs from you.

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