
14 reasons to start eating cucumbers

14 reasons to start eating cucumbers

Cucumber, at first glance, simple vegetable : green skin , but the flesh with faint taste. You buy it in the market or supermarket , make a salad or chew right way . But I bet not even suspect what these services are rendered to the organism .

According Fitnea, have at least 14 reasons to make cucumbers integral part of their diet.

Cucumber replenishes water shortage

If you drink enough fluids , eat a cucumber, which is 90 % water . This excellent body compensates its costs.

Cucumber is struggling with " heat " inside and outside

Cucumber will allow you to get rid of heartburn . And if they wipe the skin, you can ease the discomfort of sunburn.

Cucumber detoxifies

All the water contained in the cucumber , works like a broom , which " removes " all the waste from your body . A regular use of this vegetable is able even to dissolve kidney stones.

Cucumber replenishes daily supply of vitamins

Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins that are needed each day for our body . Vitamins A, B and C will strengthen your immune system and give you a boost of energy . You can enhance this effect by mixing cucumber juice with spinach and carrots. Do not forget to leave the peel - it contains a lot of vitamin C, about 12 % of the recommended daily allowance.

Cucumber contains useful minerals for the skin

Cucumber is rich in potassium , magnesium and silicon. That is why it is often used in spa- procedures.

Cucumber helps digestion and weight loss

Due to the high water content and low calorie cucumber - an ideal food for those who want to lose weight. Use it in soups and salads. If this is not your favorite foods , try crunchy cucumber slices dipped in low-fat yogurt . Mastication well kneaded your jaw and cucumber improve fiber digestion. Daily consumption of this vegetable can help with chronic constipation.

Cucumber eliminates the bags under the eyes

Put cucumber slices on her eyes swollen , and make sure that the template method really works. Cucumber helps to reduce swelling and get rid of bags under the eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties .

Cucumber is battling cancer

In Cucumbers contain sekoizolaritsiresinol , larisiresinol and pinoresinol . These three compounds - Lingay - capable of reducing the risk of certain cancers, including ovarian, breast , prostate and uterus.

Cucumber treats diabetes , lowers cholesterol and blood pressure monitors

The juice contains a hormone that is needed cells of the pancreas to produce insulin. Furthermore , studies have shown that so-called sterols are a part of a cucumber , can help reduce blood cholesterol levels . A fiber contained therein , potassium and magnesium effectively regulate blood pressure - as high and low .

Cucumber freshens breath

Cucumber juice treats patients gums. Put a slice of cucumber on the tongue and hold for 30 seconds. During this time, phytochemicals will kill the bacteria that cause halitosis .

Cucumber improves the condition of hair and nails

Silicon contained in the cucumber , is able to do your nails and hair shiny and strong , and in combination with sulfur - and even accelerate the growth of hair.

Cucumber helps maintain healthy joints , eases the pain of arthritis and gout

Cucumber , rich silicon, strengthens connective tissue and helps keep your joints healthy . If it is mixed with carrot juice , it can reduce pain from gout and arthritis , by reducing the level of uric acid.

Cucumber relieves hangover

Morning not to suffer from headaches and hangovers , eat before going to bed a few slices of cucumber . It contains enough vitamin B, sugar and electrolytes to replenish nutrients the body , relieve heavy hangover and headache.

Cucumber is useful for kidney

Cucumber reduces the level of uric acid in the body and helps maintain kidney health .

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